Fire Master Core Belief
We sincerely believe the best compliment a customer can give is a second order. We don’t want to sell a customer a truck, we want to become the customer’s source for fire trucks and equipment. “A good salesman can sell a poor product once to some people. But it takes a good product to get the repeat sale. We want the repeat sale!” quote from Gerald Shelton, Founder, Fire Master Fire Apparatus, Inc.
With over 40 years in the fire service industry, Fire Master Engineers and employees have refurbished practically every type of fire truck made. We have learned the “weak links” in each model of truck. We take great pride in providing new truck bodies that overcome these “weak links”. We do this by being the only builder today to use “True Modular Body Construction”. We also have dozens of other design points that make our body superior. Everybody makes a good 10 foot truck (a truck that looks good from 10 feet away). We make a good 1 foot truck (a truck that looks good from 1 foot away). It is the dozens of small items that make our body so superior.