Fire Master Tankers
Custom Fire Master Pumper Tanker built to your needs. Often mounted on a Freightliner Chassis with a Hale QFlo+ 1250 GPM pump!
KME Trucks
Established in 1946, KME is a proven leader producing a full line of custom fire apparatus, specializing in steel aerials, TDAs and severe service applications. With an unwavering commitment to customers and passion for building workhorse fire apparatus that provide ease of maintenance, KME is engineered to serve.
Ferrara Trucks
With over 30 years of experience as volunteer firefighters, Ferrara Fire Apparatus has led the firefighting industry with custom-built fire apparatus designed to meet the most demanding conditions. Our extra-heavy-duty construction protects crews and delivers maximum response capabilities so they can carry out their vital mission of serving communities.
Fire Equipment
- Apparatus Hardware
- Emergency Lights
- Fire Pumps
- Flashlights
- Foam
- Hand Tools
- Hose
- Ladders
- Rescue Equipment
- Sirens
Collision Repair
Mobile SCBA Testing
Mobile Pump Testing
Mobile Service

Clean, Well-Maintained, and
Fire Master features 30,000 foot state-of-the-art service center. Perfect for repairing damaged chassis, pumps, bumpers, doors, apparatus, and everything in-between.

Schedule your
NFPA Functional Test Today
- Darley Pumps
- Hale Pumps
- Waterous Pumps
- Akron Valves
- Darley Valves
- Elkhart Valves
- Hale Valves
- Waterous Valves
Call 800-641-4724 to schedule testing.

Schedule your
Mobile Pump Service Today
- Darley Pumps
- Hale Pumps
- Waterous Pumps
- Akron Valves
- Darley Valves
- Elkhart Valves
- Hale Valves
- Waterous Valves
Call 800-641-4724 to schedule testing.

Service Center
- A/C Service & Repair
- Aerial Inspection, Maintenance, and Overhaul
- EVT Trained Technicians
- Brake Systems
- Preventative Maintenance
- Warranty Repairs
- Pump Testing
Call 800-641-4724 to learn more.